CONCEPT is a biannual open access academic publication, published since 2010, edited by the I.L. Caragiale Bucharest National University of Theater and Film, under the supervision of the Research-Development-Innovation Department. The publication uses the double-blind peer-review system, is classified C by the Romanian National Scientific Research Council and is indexed in several international databases: CEEOL, SCIPIO, EBSCO. Throughout the 14 years of its existence, the editorial board had as its main objective the dissemination of artistic and scientific research carried out by the teaching and research staff of the relevant universities and research centers all around the world. The magazine aimed to illustrate the activities specific to the field, in all their variety and diversity, the unity element being scientific research as a result of practical experience in the artistic field related to Theater and Performing Arts and Cinematography and Media.



ISSN (print) 2068-4444
ISSN (online) 2248-3756
ISSN-L 2068-4444

The Contents of the CONCEPT academic journal is eloquent for the targeted research area: the first chapter – Research – includes one dossier and other thematic files, followed by a chapter dedicated to the pedagogy-related research, specific to the fields of Theatre, Cinema and Media. The second chapter – Book Review – is dedicated to reviews of specialized books with relevance in the field of artistic research and pedagogy, and the third – Interview or Colloquia – is dedicated to debates with documentary value or interviews with relevant personalities of the field, emphasizing the didactic and pedagogical side of their activity. 

The dossiers titles from recent years are eloquent:

Concept 1(28)/2024: Theories and Practices of the Contemporary Scene in Latin America 
Concept 2(27)/2023: Greek Theatre from Antiquity to Modern Times. Trends and Considerations
Concept 1(26)/2023: Matei Vişniec’s dramaturgy in the context of interdisciplinary artistic research
Concept 2(25)/2022: I Am Another You. Mediating Intimacy and Body Politics 
Concept 1(24)/2022: Contemporary Theatre and Cinema: Regional Identity and Cultural Specificity     
Concept 2(23)/2021: Hybrid Art Forms. Transgressing Borders
Concept 1(22)/2021: Art, Culture and Censorship  

Throughout the 14 years of its existence, the CONCEPT academic journal has constantly published articles belonging to the research area corresponding to the field of Cinematography and Media, and currently the column dedicated to Film pedagogy has joined the one dedicated to Theatre pedagogy, both specific to the fields of teaching, theoretical research and artistic experimentation of our university.

The journal appears, especially in recent years, in several languages ​​of international circulation: ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH.

The editorial team and the peer-review board gather specialists in the field, university professors, theorists and practitioners, national and international researchers. 

The number of foreign authors reached or even exceeded 50% on the last editorial appearances.

Editor-in-chief and founder: Associate Professor Mihaela Beţiu, PhD
Copy editor: Radu Crăciun, PhD (2024), Ioana Miruna Voiculescu (2023-2022), Cornel Huțanu (2022-2010). 
Art & Design Editor: Researcher Maria Drăghici, PhD      


  • Abstract: 150-200 words in English;
  • Keywords: 5-8 words (phrases) in English;
  • Article: 3500 – 8000 words;
  • Accepted languages: English, French, Spanish;
  • Citation and reference style: HARVARD (;
  • Article structure: Introduction (objectives, hypothesis); Research Methods; Results; Conclusions; Bibliography // (References, Online References, Filmography, Performance References); 
  • Illustrations: Around 3-5: photographs, drawings, diagrams, charts – with explanations included in the Word documents and separately as a .jpg file;
  • Autor(s) biography: maximum 200 words;
  • Email:,;

Professor Adriana Marina Popovici, PhD
Professor Ludmila Patlanjoglu, PhD
Professor Habil. Liviu Lucaci, PhD
Professor Habil. Doru Niţescu, PhD
Professor Habil. Alexandru Sterian, PhD
Professor Habil. Camelia Popa, PhD
Professor Habil. Mihaela Sîrbu, PhD
Professor Habil. Ovidiu Georgescu, PhD

Editorial Board: Professor Habil. PhD Bogdana Darie-Creţu, Professor Habil. PhD Lucian Georgescu, Associate Professor PhD Alexandru Berceanu, Associate Professor PhD Thomas Ciocşirescu, Research Assistant PhD Radu Crăciun, Associate Professor PhD Mihaela Michailov, Associate Professor PhD Radu Apostol, PhD Marina Hanganu, Professor PhD Miroslava Salcido (CITRU, México), Lecturer PhD Irina Dogaru, Lecturer PhD Vlad Ioachimescu, Research Assistant PhD Liri Alienor Chapelain, Associate Professor Habil. PhD Diana Nechit (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu), Octavian Szalad (Theatre Studies MA), Associate Professor PhD Laura-Lăzărescu Thois, Research Assistant PhD Ciprian Făcăeru (CINETic, UNATC), Dr. Despina Kosmopoulou (National Kapodistrian University of Athens & University of the Peloponnese, Greece), Associate Professor PhD Ioana Visalon (The Lower Danube University, Galaţi), Mihaela Costea (referent).      

Peer-reviewers: Professor PhD Leon Rubin (University of Essex UK, East 15 Acting School, Honorary Professor at GITIS, FRSA and FRAS, Dean of LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore), Dr. Jozefina Komporaly (Senior Lecturer in Creative Research, University of the Arts, London), Dr. Vasiliki Selioni (Affiliate Research Fellow, Visitor Lecturer, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, UK Artistic Director of The Makings of the Actor), Professor Habil. PhD Anca-Doina Ciobotaru (UNAGE Iaşi), Professor PhD Adrian Titieni (UNATC Bucharest), Associate Professor Habil. PhD Ioana Petcu (UNAGE Iași), Associate Professor Habil. PhD Otilia Huzum (West University, Timişoara), Professor PhD Crenguța-Lăcrămioara Bizu (University of Bucharest), Professor PhD Tania Filip (UNATC Bucharest), Associate Professor Habil. PhD Claudiu Turcuş (UBB Cluj-Napoca), Associate Professor PhD Victor Mihăilescu (The Lower Danube University, Galaţi),  Associate Professor PhD Olga Gancevici (Ștefan cel Mare University, Suceava), Lecturer PhD Ana-Magdalena Petraru (Al.I. Cuza University Iaşi), Lecturer PhD Patricia Nedelea (West University, Timişoara).    

Honorary Advisory Board:

Matei Vişniec Poète, auteur dramatique, prosateur et journaliste roumano-français;
Gary Schwartz Director of The Spolin Players and Intuitive Learning Systems, USA;
Elisabeta Bostan Professor Doctor Honoris Causa, I.L. Caragiale UNATC, Bucharest, Romania;
Stanislav Semerdjiev Professor PhD, Rector of the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria; Executive Director CILECT (The World Association of Film and Television Schools);
Miruna Runcan Professor Habil. PhD, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
Ion Bogdan Lefter Professor Emeritus PhD at the Faculty of Letters, member of the Doctoral School in Letters, University of Bucharest, Romania;
Anca Rusu Professor PhD, George Enescu National University of Arts, Iaşi, Romania;
Nicolae Mandea Professor PhD, I.L. Caragiale UNATC, Bucharest, Romania;
Florin Mihăilescu Professor PhD, I.L. Caragiale UNATC, Bucharest, Romania;
Stere Gulea Professor PhD, I.L. Caragiale UNATC, Bucharest, Romania;
Marian Popescu Professor PhD, University of Bucharest, Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, I.L. Caragiale UNATC, Bucharest, Romania;
Zviad Dolidze PhD in Art Criticism (Film Studies), Professor of the Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University, Dean of the Faculty of Art Sciences, Media and Management, Tbilisi, Georgia;  
Gilles Losseroy Maître de conférences, UFR Arts, Lettres et Langues de Nancy, Université de Lorraine, France;
Stéphane Poliakov – Maître de conférences, Département Théâtre, Université Paris 8, France;
Sanja Krsmanović Tasić  President of IDEA (International Drama/Theatre and Education Association), President of CEDEUM, Artistic Director of Hleb Teatar and Mater Terra Festival, Serbia;
Rocío Galicia – Director of the Mexican Association of Theater Research, México;
Andreas Markantonatos Director of the Centre for Ancient Rhetoric and Drama, Professor of Greek, University of the Peloponnese, Greece;
Barbara Georgopoulou Professor of Greek Theatre and Theatre Criticism, University of the Peloponnese, Greece
Elizabeth Jochum RELATE Research Laboratory for Art and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark 
Joaquín Amores Moreno – Head of Departamento Interpretación of ESAD, Universidad Laboral, Gijón-Asturias, España;
Antonio Prieto Stambaugh  Professor PhD at the Universidad Veracruzana’s Theatre Faculty in México. Director of the peer-reviewed journal Investigación Teatral;
Lola Proaño-Gómez – Guest Researcher at the Gino Germani Instituto de Investigación of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Professor Emeritus of Pasadena City College, US;
Gustavo Geirola Argentinian theater director and researcher, Emeritus Professor of Whittier College, Los Angeles, California and Professor PhD at Arizona State University, US;
Luz Emilia Aguilar Zinser Critica, editora, pedagoga y investigadora teatral, México;
David Chambers Professor of Acting and Directing at the Yale School of Drama, USA;
Eric Trules Associate Professor of Practice at the University of Southern California, USA;
Diana Cupşa – Head of the Theatre and Dance MFA Design Program, Tulane University, USA;
Cristian Pepino Professor PhD, I.L. Caragiale UNATC, Bucharest, Romania;
Ion Gagim Professor Habil. PhD, Alecu Russo State University, Bălţi, Moldova; Master of Arts, Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences in Moldova;
Adrian Ghicov – Professor Habil. PhD, Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University, Chişinău, Moldova;
George Valentin Volceanov – Lexicographer, translator and editor, Professor PhD, Spiru Haret University, Romania;
Antonio Centeno Ortiz – Professor PhD at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, member of the Advisory Council of the State Strategy for Deinstitutionalization, España. 

Concept 2 (23) / 2021
Concept 2 (23) / 2021
Concept 1 (24) – 2022
CONCEPT 1(26) 2023
Concept 1 (26) / 2023
Concept 2 (25) / 2022
Concept 2 (27) / 2023
Concept 1 (28) / 2024
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